People are often confronted with tough questions on various issues, from politics to personal beliefs. Providing clear and concise answers to these questions can be a challenging task. Short Answers to the Tough Questions online learning course is designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge needed to provide short, effective responses to challenging questions, which can be highly effective for libertarian candidates, writers, activists, influencers, and individuals curious about complex social and political issues. The course contains tried and tested methods for excellent communication and equips individuals with the knowledge and skills required to tackle challenging questions succinctly and confidently. The course provides access to Mary’s bestselling books, Healing Our World (2015 edition) and Short Answers to the Tough Questions (2012 edition), in addition to various presentations, reading materials, and videos to learn from.

  • Learn how to influence through effective communication
  • Get elected to the office with tried-and-tested advocacy methods
  • Provide effective responses to challenging questions
  • Ask questions directly to Mary Ruwart, Ph.D., a best-selling author and a renowned libertarian figure.
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Ruwart has a unique ability to clarify complex libertarian ideas with stories, examples, and common sense. She also addresses the tough questions that non-libertarians often ask, and does so in a way that is both respectful and informative.

Ron PaulFormer U.S. Congressman, and Presidential Candidate

Mary Ruwart is a valuable resource for anyone who is serious about promoting liberty. Her clear and concise answers to some of the toughest questions facing libertarians will be of great help to activists, candidates, and anyone who wants to learn more about libertarianism.

Tom WoodsSenior Fellow at the Mises Institute


  • Class 1: Introduction to Short Answers – In this class, participants will learn the fundamentals of short-answer communication, including the importance of clarity, brevity, and persuasion.
  • Class 2: Strategies for Responding to Tough Questions – This class will cover various techniques for responding to tricky questions and challenging arguments. Participants will learn how to address common objections and turn difficult questions into opportunities to communicate their ideas effectively.
  • Class 3: Answering Ambiguous and Hostile Questions – In this class, participants will learn how to analyze complex issues and identify logical fallacies. They will also learn how to develop compelling counterarguments and challenge opposing viewpoints.
  • Class 4: Practical Applications – The class will be a panel of Mary and Bill Redpath, Long-Term Libertarian National Committee Member, Ballot Access Coordinator, and Frequent LP Candidate, where Bill will address his application of the things learned in the course.
  • Class 5: Live Q&A with Mary Ruwart: every three months; next class: May 7, 2024, 7-8 PM Central  In the final class, Mary will answer the questions set forward by the participants, who will have the opportunity to apply what they have learned in real-world scenarios. They will receive feedback on their performance and have the opportunity to refine their skills.


Dr. Mary J Ruwart

Chair, Liberty International

Dr. Mary J. Ruwart is a research scientist, ethicist, and libertarian author/activist. Since 1982, Dr. Ruwart has also been involved in societal ethics, focusing on the political theory and practice of libertarianism. Her award-winning international best-selling book, Healing Our World, demonstrates how the ethical application of libertarian principles has historically created harmony and abundance. Referencing hundreds of studies, Dr. Ruwart demonstrates that many of our current policies surreptitiously violate the basic ethical standards that we hold dear, thereby leading to unintended—and highly undesirable—consequences.


Our Mission

Our purpose is to bring liberty to every corner of the world by sharing the philosophy and benefits of freedom, with special emphasis on educating newcomers. We spread liberty and foster a global network of freedom champions, empowering them to become change agents in their own countries.

Our Vision

Our vision is simple: we want to make freedom a global matter. All our activities aim at bringing philosophy of liberty closer to every person around the world. We believe that it doesn’t matter where we start as long as we build relations. This is why most of the people we work with are students and recent graduates. We see the world free of governmental overpower yet full of individual responsibility. We see world freer, more open, and more individualized.


What is Short Answers To The Tough Questions online learning course?

This course equips you with essential communication skills, no matter if you’re a libertarian, activist, writer, or simply someone who wants to tackle complex topics and answer tough questions concisely and confidently.

Is this course for me?

If you want to improve your communication skills, the course is for you regardless of your profession. However, if you are a politician, company executive, or a think-tank leader, you can’t miss the Short Answers to the Tough Questions online learning course.

Will I have an opportunity to interact one-on-one with Mary J Ruwart?

You will be able to send questions to Mary throughout the course. Mary will address the questions during the live online sessions, which will be organized every three months in 2024.

How long do I have to complete the course?

The duration varies, and you can complete the course at your own pace. Participants can complete modules at their own speed, typically within a few weeks, depending on personal schedules.

Do I receive a certificate on completion of the course?

You will receive a certificate from Liberty International signed by Dr. Mary J Ruwart.

What skills will I gain from this course?

Participants will acquire skills in addressing challenging questions, effective communication in socio-political contexts, and confidence in navigating complex issues.

Are there any specific courses or experiences I should complete before taking this one?

No specific prerequisites are required. However, an interest in social and political issues and a willingness to learn and engage are helpful.

Is the course suitable for beginners in politics or activism?

Yes, the course caters to a diverse audience, including beginners, by offering fundamental skills for addressing complex issues.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at [email protected]